• Luxury is durability? Durability as Luxury.

    I found this email and I thought would be good idea to share with you ALL.

    From:  A Happy Engage Green Customer.


    Good Morning,

    I purchased a bag from you almost 2 years at the Holiday Fair at Union Square. I +LOVE+ my bag, have gotten many compliments, AND when fellow Engage Green bag owners & myself spot each other, there is always excitement. Nothing lasts forever, nor has this bag. I would like to get another one and (a) wondered apart from the website where I could view the bags in person? (Hoping I don't have to wait until the Holiday Fair in late November. (b) I also have wondered if you'd like this bag sort of as a "wear and tear" study. I have used the bag almost every single day since I purchased it. I thought it might be interesting for you to see where the bag has worn out, held up best, etc. And lastly (c) any discounts for a returning customer?

    Thanks SO much!
    Looking forward to a new Engage Green bag...soon! FYI - I have looked at other bags in retail shops....I *know* what I am getting w your bag - quality, endurance, style, and you can't beat the price, so yeah, I'm holding out....but my bag is looking kinda shabby, so I am anxious.

    A Happy Engage Green Customer,


    #bags #brooklyn #durability design #ecofriendly bags #engage green #green #NYC #sustainable


    http://pagesqatar.net/ozone/wp-content/Christian-Louboutin-Sandalss53.php said

    October 13, 2015

    http://pagesqatar.net/ozone/wp-content/Christian-Louboutin-Sandalss53.php http://pagesqatar.net/ozone/wp-content/Christian-Louboutin-Sandalss53.php

    patM said

    March 01, 2013

    We are pleased to receive wonderful feedback like this that we are sharing with you today.

    Hi there, just like you, I LOVE MY ENGAGE GREEN BAGS! Note that I said BAGS, as in plural. I am proud to say that thus far I own six (6) of theses phenomenal bags in three (3) different styles and six (6) different colors. To some that may seem like a lot, but variety is the spice of life, and when you see a good thing, you welcome the opportunity. I like to coordinate my bags with my outfits (you know, just like we do with our shoes). So as we speak, I am searching through this lovely cornucopia of eye-candy, which just happens to be utilitarian too, so that I can buy at least one (1) more bag, for now. May I suggest that one is never enough of a good thing. SO THANK YOU L. for giving us something we can happily Engage Green in! CIAO, PatM

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