(New York, NY) 7/26/11 - Engage Green is thrilled to announce it has been awarded the Green America Business Seal of Approval. The seal is presented to businesses that go beyond product and service quality to set the highest standards in environmental sustainability and social justice, and work to solve, rather than create, environmental and social problems.
To be considered for the Seal of Approval and earn a listing in the annual National Green Pages™, businesses complete a rigorous screening process to ensure they meet Green America’s standards for the environment, community and labor.
Engage Green is known for its unique fashionable designs made out of Recycled Plastic [PET], Recycled Paper and Sustainable materials like Organic Cotton, Hemp and Cork.
“We are over the top excited to earn this coveted Seal of Approval,” said Leonor Mendoza, founder and Artist of Engage Green. “It’s one of the most respected and recognized symbols in the green marketplace and a powerful way to set Engage Green apart as a leader in its field.”
Engage Green is now an Approved member of the Green Business Network, a distinguished and celebrated group of companies that use their products and services as a vehicle for social and environmental change.
More on the Green Business Network:
The Green Business Network (GBN) offers a vibrant community of over 4,000 environmentally and socially responsible businesses, the oldest and largest of its kind in the US. GBN is powered by Green America, a non-profit whose mission is to harness the economic power of consumers and businesses to create a more just and sustainable economy. More information on GBN can be found at www.greenbusinessnetwork.org and for more on the Seal of Approval, click on “Get the Seal.”